20 January 2011

NWoTD - Virtuaous

Virtuaous - virtually virtuous, someone who plays nicely only but is a jerk in real life (yeah, I know its usually the other way around)

NWoTD - Oprahtality

Oprahtality - hospitality, Oprah style with lots of Oooooooooo's and waving of the arms and looking under the chairs and such. Here's how it would go if one of Oprah's favorite things was bees and yes, looking at this makes me laugh out loud every single time!

NWoTD - Lousen

Lousen - loosening up a louse

NWoTD - Cumpetent

Cumpetent - able to ejaculate

NWoTD - Trystery

Trystery - mystery tryst (think Mark Sanford disappearing out of the country to go sleep with his South American mistress)

NWoTD - Hispital

Hispital - hospital for Hispanics

NWoTD - Denigh

Denigh - not imminent

NWoTD - Vicktimized

Vicktimized - anyone preyed upon by Michael Vick

NWoTD - Champanzee

Champanzee - the best chimpanzee ever

NWoTD - FUDoric

FUDoric - rhetoric designed to elicit FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt)

NWoTD - FUDing

FUDing - intentionally sowing fear, uncertainty and doubt (see Palin, Sarah for relevant examples of FUDing)

NWoTD - Properganda

Properganda - proper propaganda