28 February 2013


GOPe - Grand Old Party dope. Here's the thing, if you're not an old, white, fat man then the Republican party just wants your money and your vote and not you. Period. No women. No black people. No asians. No nothing but old, white, fat men.

And if you vote Republican and you aren't an old, white, fat man then you are a GOPe (that's pronounced like dope but with a G in the front).

"That poor GOPe over there thinks its all about gun control when, in reality, its all about his party trying to kill off the middle class entirely and go waaaay back to a feudal society where there are serfs and landowners and the landowners can basically do whatever they want. And that moronic GOPe ain't gonna be no landowner."

19 February 2013


Fuckon - a resident of the planet Fuck or someone who just doesn't give a fuck. Also see DILLIGAF.

"I was going to flip the guy off after he nearly punted me but I could clearly see he was a Fuckon and his give a fucks meter was permanently set to zero."


Browl - a brawl between brothers.

"Man, the Super Bowl is going to be a Super Browl between the Harbaughs!"


Celesticles - celestial testicles aka God's nards.

"And then Jesus asked if she wanted to examine his celesticles for divine inspiration but I think he was just too shy to ask for a handjob."


Stripture - the "lost" chapters of the Bible, they were significantly less SFW than most (though some of that Old Testament is pretty gruesome).

"We spent the night reading Stripture and humping like bunnies!"