07 December 2007

NWoTD - Nubility

Nubility - treating someone like a king or queen because they are super hot.

NWoTD - Scooligan

Scooligan - scooter hooligan, inspired by the new Fuoco 500cc big brother to the Piaggo MP3 three wheel scooter.

NWoTD - Shiggles

Shiggles - a pc version of shits and giggles, the reason we do worthless but fun stuff.

08 October 2007

NWoTD - Feedership

Feedership - the audience that reads your blog via RSS or Atom feed.

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NWoTD - Desktitute

It has been too long since I posted some new words up here. I've got a few ready to go so maybe I'll roll some out over the next couple of days.

Desktitute - the office bike or a destitute desk or cube farm, likely after a big layoff.

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08 June 2007

25 April 2007

Time to Catch Up A Little

It has been a little while since I've tossed out some new words I've come up with. I lost a few because they didn't get written down soon enough but I think I caught more than I lost, we'll see. One thing I have discovered this morning is that sometimes my new words are other people's mispelt words.

Absoslutly - definitely a slut. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Doploma - one of those dopey pay-fer diplomas you can buy online from a non-accredited university to display on your wall is a doploma.

Promuse - an amusing promise or a promise made while wistfully thinking.

Saddisfy, saddisfying or saddisfied - some folks aren't happy unless they are sad. When those people have achieved their desired level of sadness, they have been saddisfied.

Transfortation - the process of converting your couch and its cushions into a fortress is called transfortation.

[Update: Karen has offered another new word, cynnisfied - satisfaction is only achieved once a proper level of cynicism has been reached. A broadly inflicted by-product of the ShrubCo years.]

06 February 2007

NWtoD - Comboning

Quick post this morning, my allergies are in supercharged, twin-turbo overdrive these days so I'm a bit bitter and stuffed up.

Comboning - one guy plus two girls equals comboning.

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31 January 2007

NWoTD - Stupiduty

Today's new word comes from the story about the woman who was raped and then arrested and jailed for a four year old bench warrant and denied her second dosage of an emergency contraceptive which has exposed the police and nurse involved to a huge and expensive and totally avoidable lawsuit.

Stupiduty - when doing your job (or doing your duty if that contradicts with your employment) means you have to behave in an incredibly stupid manner.

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29 January 2007

NWoTD - Fauxmentum

Today's new word is appropriate for how I've been feeling lately.

Fauxmentum - false or untrue momentum. I.e. putting on a happy face for clients while feeling like you're standing on the deck of Titanic and the last lifeboat just cast off.

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10 January 2007

NWoTD - Valindication

Today's new word is...

Valindication - vindication by validation. For example, when you're having an argument about some point of fact and you know you're right, you look it up on the Wiki and prove your rightness and you have been valindicated.

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08 January 2007

NWoTD - Camerass

Camerass - (pronounced camer-ass) someone who behaves like an asshole just to get "the shot". The photographer at my brother's wedding a number of years ago was a camerass, he elbowed me in the stomach more than once and I was the best friggin' man.

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