09 December 2009

NWoTD - Brrtter

Brrtter - bitter cold (the brrr part). The kind of cold that makes you think you'll shatter like a glass if something hits you.

NWoTD - Barticle

Barticle - an article dealing with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) or Bart Simpson.

NWoTD - Hearticle

Hearticle - an article that deals with or tugs on the heart.

NWoTD - Tarticle

Tarticle - an article about a tart or person of, uhhhhh, looser morals.

NWoTD - Sparticle

Sparticle - an article about Sparta or possibly an article about sparring.

NWoTD - Starticle

Starticle - a starting article, one that leads to a series of articles.

NWoTD - Smarticle

Smarticle - smart article. Something you read that makes you think.