30 March 2009

NWoTD - Sementic

Sementic - conversation or discussion of spermatic matters.

23 March 2009

NWoTD - Tersonality

Tersonality - a terse personality. Think stereotypical New Englander.

18 March 2009

NWoTD - Tweeterhea

Tweeterhea - an explosion of tweets on Twitter after a prolonged period of no tweets at all.

16 March 2009

NWoTD - Craw-struck

Craw-struck - when something gets stuck in your mind, usually because you're annoyed.

10 March 2009

NWoTD - Containted

Containted - contained contamination.

This also leads to containters - contaminated containers.

05 March 2009

NWoTD - Vitaminimize

Vitaminimize - to supplement with vitamins in an attempt to minimize the effects of a cold.

Why yes, I am fighting a cold right now, what makes you ask?

04 March 2009

NWoTD - Cumpassion

Cumpassion - pretending to care about someone in order to have sex with them.