26 October 2010

NWoTD - Brotential

Brotential - potential to be a good friend (like a brother).

NWoTD - Reazen

Reazen - calmed by reason (zen reasoning).

NWoTD - Boyant

Boyant - elated by boys.

NWoTD - Plainasdayopia

Plainasdayopia - when you are looking for something only to realize its right there in front of you.

NWoTD - Entitlista

Entitlista - someone on welfare who decries others on welfare (see Party, Tea).

NWoTD - Pissibly

Pissibly - pissily possible, someone who will do something for you but will grief you with a poor attitude the whole time (props to Evan Ashenhurst).

NWoTD - Fogure

Fogure - figurative fog or a figure in the fog, maybe even one that turns out to be nothing.

NWoTD - Protential

Protential - potential protein, that is, baby fish before they are big enough to eat, soybeans too small to harvest, etc. Also possibly means potential to go pro.

NWoTD - Harouse

Harouse - attempt to arouse by harrassment. Appears to be SOP at local high schools.

NWoTD - Weepon

Weepon - a weapon that forces the target to break down crying.