29 December 2008

NWoTD - Futility Belt

Futilty belt - the belt that attempts to hold up a seriously overweight person's pants is a futility belt because, no matter how tight it is cinched, those pants are going to droop.

Why yes, I do feel a little bad about this new word but not bad enough not to share it.

23 December 2008

NWoTD - Scentimental

Scentimental - when a certain smell evokes a vivid memory.

I'm having a distinct sense of having coined this one already. But searches come up empty.

20 December 2008

NWoTD - Yapkin

Yapkin - what an overly talkative person uses to clean their mouth while eating. Or, what gets shoved in someone's mouth during a kidnapping to keep them from yapping.

16 December 2008

NWoTD - Popening

Popening - if the Pope were available for ribbon cutting ceremonies then they would be called Popenings.

11 December 2008

NWoTD - Crassmas

Crassmas - forgetting what the Christmas holiday is really about and focusing on spend, spend, spend means you are celebrating Crassmas.

09 December 2008

NWoTD - Patroll

Patroll - scouring the internet to find things you disagree with in order to start fights (i.e. trolling for arguments).

05 December 2008

NWoTD - Hilladay

Hilladay - holiday in the hills. Or a special holiday for a girl named Hillary.