29 October 2009

NWoTD - Indensity

Indensity - dense intensity. People who are deeply passionate about something they don't know enough about to form a complete opinion. The people who hold poorly spelled protest signs, anti-gay rights activists, Glenn Beck, these are the poster children for indensity.

It is a very difficult condition to overcome with logic and reasoning because the positions are so entrenched as to be underground where they can't or won't hear you.

NWoTD - Dividences

Dividences - divided by differences.

NWoTD - Techxorcism

Techxorcism - tech exorcism, driving the poltergeists and demons out of a computer or a network through a combination of voodoo and reinstallations. It is unlikely that I'm the first to come up with this mash-up new word but I'm pretending that I am.

NWoTD - Troubleshat

Troubleshat - troubleshooting stupid shit.

NWoTD - Maneuvure

Maneuvure - take maneuver and mash it into manure and you get maneuvure which means a shitty move, nasty thing to do, like sleeping with your best friend's ex or eating someone else's lunch in the company break room.

NWoTD - Horrifuck

Horrifuck - sex with a horrible person or someone that makes you feel horrible.

NWoTD - Uncome

Uncome - the opposite of income.

NWoTD - Twetiquette

Twetiquette - twitter etiquette.

NWoTD - Hardor

Hardor - ardor, or intense feelings of love, made more difficult to sustain, i.e. harder ardor.

NWoTD - Pission

Pission - pissed on passion. The "Not tonight, dear, I have a headache" syndrome.

NWoTD - Forture

Forture - fortunate torture. The only example of this I can think of is how the use of torture during the Bush Administration was used as a major recruiting tool for the terrorists.

NWoTD - Stathroom

Stathroom - staff bathroom.

19 October 2009

NWoTD - Proudent

Proudent - prudently proud, that is, being careful and sensible about your feelings of self respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth. Not allowing your ego to inflate precipitously because of something you've done.

14 October 2009

NWoTD - Pandemonious

Pandemonious - a state of extreme confusion and disorder but with its own sort of harmony, i.e. when people build sandbag walls to try and stave off floodwaters, they are working pandemoniously or the chaos of a school power outage but orchestrated by teachers directing the chaos and getting through it.

09 October 2009

NWoTD - Meatosis

Meatosis - the process of cutting a large slab of meat into smaller portions to serve is meatosis. From mitosis - cell division in which the nucleus divides into nuclei.

03 October 2009

NWoTD - Telapathy

Telapathy - you could read someone's mind but you're too lazy to do so.

01 October 2009

NWoTD - Grinace

Grinace - a half grin and half grimace is a grinace.