21 March 2010

NWoTD - Twistory

Twistory - Twitter history or twisted history (i.e. revisionist story telling).

NWoTD - Fooltility

Fooltility - foolish utility, a Swiss Army Knife with a cheese grater attachment.

NWoTD - Flutility

Flutility - trying and failing to fight a flu bug.

NWoTD - Civillain

Civillain - civilian villain

NWoTD - Epithany

Epithany - a pithy epiphany.

NWoTD - Juggulant

Juggulant - jubilant because of boobs. Yes, I am a 14 year old boy trapped in a man's body, why do you ask?

NWoTD - Scambag

Scambag - scumbag scammer.