30 June 2009

NWoTD - Fumungous

Fumungous - an incredibly huge stink, like when Nande gases out an entire room with her fish oil farts. A mashup of fumes and humongous, of course.

And yes, I'm quite proud of this one.

25 June 2009

10 June 2009

NWoTD - Twitbag or Twithole

Twitbag or Twithole - someone who follows you on Twitter in order to get you to follow them back and then they unfollow you.

04 June 2009

NWoTD - Toolbag

Toolbag - a slightly more PC version of douchebag, a combo of tool and douchebag. Inspired by one of the custodians at one of my schools who epitomized the essence of a toolbag.