29 April 2010

NWoTD - Hianus

Hianus - (Hi-anus, a combination of hiatus and anus) taking a break from being an asshole.

21 April 2010

NWoTD - Divil

Divil - (pronounced Die-vil) the evil deity to whom you sell your soul to gain the ability to perform the Triple Lindy.

NWoTD - Fagnet

Fagnet - magnet for gay folks, someone who's naturally gravitated towards by gay people, Barbara Streisand and Ricky Martin come to mind.

Note, I am somewhat reluctant to post this word because of the pejorative nature of the word, fag. But opted to in the end because it rolls off the tongue so easily and makes sense as a word even if it isn't especially nice.

NWoTD - Insuckticide

Insuckticide - cheap and ineffective insecticide.

NWoTD - Paintience

Paintience - patient while in pain or waiting patiently for paint to dry.

NWoTD - Studebt

Studebt - student debt.