28 August 2008

NWoTD - Stuperior

Stuperior - when one takes the position of intellectual superior and they're, quite obviously, dumb as dirt or just invents facts to support their foregone conclusions. Think Fox News or Bill O'Reilly in particular.

25 August 2008

NWoTD - Scatalexical

Scatalexical - invented words that have to do with fecal matters.

22 August 2008

NWoTD - Kakaphony

Kakaphony - when a parent is convinced that a diapered kid has just made a major deposit in his/her diaper but, upon inspection, no such load exists. The "evidence" can also be accompanied by aural aides like loud juicy farts (nice, eh?)

16 August 2008

NWoTD - Reintardation

Reintardation - being reincarnated as a mentally handicapped person.

Found over at Ryan's blog as a response to an op-ed piece about Ben Stiller's latest movie, Tropic Thunder, in which the use of retard is rampant. The movie, from almost all accounts, is flipping hilarious. Unless you like your humor to be all PC and non-insulting like.

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13 August 2008

NWoTD - Obsceneity

Obsceneity - a scene so beautiful or striking that it makes swear. Such as, one's first viewing of the Big Sur coastline makes one utter "Holy fuck, this is beautiful."

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07 August 2008

NWoTD - Addrift

Today's new word is brought to you by....hey, what's that over there....sorry, today's word is brought to you by ADD (or ADHD if you have the high def kind).

Addrift - lost in the confusion and distractable sea of attention deficit disorder. Sometimes it is very hard to keep track of where you are and what you are supposed to be doing, this is being addrift.

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